The Core Group (CG) constitutes the technical nucleus of the Action and it is in charge of the strategic direction. The CG constitutes also the Translational Think Tank, which mission is to identify clinically and biotechnology relevant projects to convert into medically relevant and/or industry valuable applications.
Dr Anne-Laure BILLABERT Please log-in to see email and phone. |
Le Conservatoire National des Arts et Metiers, case 2D2P10, 292 rue saint-martin Paris - France |
WG3 co-leader WG1, WG2, WG3, WG5, WG6 |
Dr Antonella BOGONI Please log-in to see email and phone. |
CNIT, via moruzzi 1 56124 Pisa - Italy |
WG2 leader WG1, WG2, WG3, WG4, WG5 |
Dr Chris ROELOFFZEN Please log-in to see email and phone. |
LioniX International Hengelosestraat 500 7521 AN Enschede - Netherlands |
WG4 leader, WG1 co-leader WG1, WG2, WG3, WG4 |
Dr Daniel DOLFI Please log-in to see email and phone. |
Thales Research & Technology, 1 Av Augustin Fresnel, F-91767 Palaiseau - France |
WG6 co-leader WG2, WG4, WG6 |
Dr Eszter GERHÁTNÉ UDVARY Please log-in to see email and phone. |
Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Egry Jozsef utca 18 H-1111 Budapest - Hungary |
WG5 co-leader WG2, WG3 |
Dr Jozef CHOVAN Please log-in to see email and phone. |
Medzinarodne laserove centrum Ilkovicova 3 841 04 Bratislava - Slovakia |
COST Policy Coordination Manager WG1, WG2 |
Dr Martijn HECK Please log-in to see email and phone. |
Aarhus University Finlandsgade 22 8200 Aarhus - Denmark |
WG6 leader WG1, WG2, WG6 |
Dr Maurizio BURLA Please log-in to see email and phone. |
ETHZ Gloriastrasse 35 8092 Zurich - Switzerland |
STSM & ITC CG coordinator WG1, WG2, WG3, WG4, WG5, WG6 |
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Dr Stavros IEZEKIEL Please log-in to see email and phone. |
University of Cyprus Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering 75 Kallipoleos Avenue CY1678 Nicosia - Cyprus |
MC Vice-Chair, WG3, WG4 |
Prof Andreas STÖHR Please log-in to see email and phone. |
Faculty of Engineering, Lotharstr. 55, ZHO, building LT 47057 Duisburg - Germany |
WG3 leader |
Prof Geert MORTHIER Please log-in to see email and phone. |
Ghent University INTEC Dept. Sint-Pietersnieuwstraat 41 B-9000 Ghent - Belgium |
WG1 leader WG1, WG2, WG6 |
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Prof Jose CAPMANY Please log-in to see email and phone. |
MC Chair, Grant Holder WG1, WG2, WG3, WG6 |
Prof Maria MEDEIROS Please log-in to see email and phone. |
Universidade de Coimbra DEEC Pinhal de Marrocos 3030-790 Coimbra - Portugal |
WG2 co-leader WG1, WG2, WG3, WG4, WG5, WG6 |
Prof Zhongxia Simon HE Please log-in to see email and phone. |
Chalmers University of Technology 41296 Goteborg - Sweden |
WG5 leader WG3, WG4, WG5 |
Prof. Antonio Teixeira Please log-in to see email and phone. |
Instituto de Telecomunicacoes Campus universitario santiago 3810-193 Aveiro Aveiro - Portugal |
Science Communication Manager WG1, WG2, WG3, WG5, WG6 |