This document describes the Inclusiveness Target Countries (ITC) Conference Grants (CG) process, from the moment an applicant submits an application for approval by the Managament Committee (MC) Chair to the payment and recording of the amount paid by the Grant Holder (GH) to the grantee. It is necessary to separate the process in 2 parts: one describes the steps to be performed before the mission starts and another the steps to be performed after the mission ends.
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We are pleased to announce that the period for applying for an ITC Conference Grant is now open.
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ITC Conference Grant - Grant Period 2
ITC CG 1 - Tiago Morgado, from the Instituto de Telecomunicacoes in Aveiro (Portugal)
Tiago Morgado, a PhD student from the Instituto de Telecomunicacoes in Aveiro (Portugal), received an ITC Conference Grant from this Action for participating in the International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON) 2018, which took place at the Library of University Politehnica of Bucharest (Romania) from 1st to 5th of July, 2018. He presented three posters in which was showed the work that he has been developing about multimode interference (MMI) devices and its application in Photonic Integrated Circuits (PICs).

ITC CG 2 - Marek Kolenda, a PhD student from Vilnius University (Lithuania)
Marek Kolenda, a PhD student from Vilnius University (Lithuania) participated in the International Workshop on Nitride Semiconductors 2018 (IWN2018), held in Kanazawa (Japan) on November 11‐16, 2018, with the poster "Carrier Extraction Enhancement at InN/p‐GaN Interface Heterojunction under Reverse Bias Voltage", in which he presented good quality InN films, grown by pulsed MOVPE on the p-type GaN at 610°C with low defect concentration and efficient optoelectronic InN/p-GaN heterojunction was demonstrated by measuring carrier extraction under unbiased conditions, whereas applied bias voltage enhances significantly the external quantum efficiency in the ultraviolet to visible spectral region (300 - 500 nm).

ITC CG 3 - Ágoston Schranz, a PhD student from the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (Hungary)
Ágoston Schranz, a PhD student from the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (Hungary), received an ITC Conference Grant from this Action for participating in the 7th International Conference on Photonics, Optics and Laser Technology (PHOTOPTICS 2019), held at the Vienna House Diplomat in Prague (Czech Republic) between 25 and 27 February, 2019. He presented his short paper "Quantum Bit Error Rate Analysis of the Polarization based BB84 Protocol in the Presence of Channel Errors", describing a model of how polarization rotation in optical channels can effect the error rate in the BB84 quantum key distribution (QKD) protocol.

ITC Conference Grant – Grant Period 3
ITC CG 4 - Mehmet Alp Ilgaz, a PhD student from the University of Ljubljana (Slovenia)
Mehmet Alp Ilgaz, a PhD student from the University of Ljubljana (Slovenia), received an ITC Conference Grant from this Action for participating in the 2nd International Conference on Photonics Research (Interphotonics 2019), held at the Mirage Park Resort Hotel in Antalya (Turkey) between November 4th to 9th, 2019. He had an invited talk about "Current state of the development of the opto-electronic oscillator ". He described his research about opto-electronic oscillator (OEO) and its implementation in Radio Access Network (RAN). The topic is mainly focused on the OEO and its benefits to microwave photonics and how OEO producing microwave and millimeter wave signals with a very-low phase noise. He also described the advantages of the OEO on the photonic integrated chip and its possible implementation in RAN.