Ágoston Schranz, a PhD student from the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (Hungary), received an ITC Conference Grant from this Action for participating in the 7th International Conference on Photonics, Optics and Laser Technology (PHOTOPTICS 2019), held at the Vienna House Diplomat in Prague (Czech Republic) between 25 and 27 February, 2019. He presented his short paper “Quantum Bit Error Rate Analysis of the Polarization based BB84 Protocol in the Presence of Channel Errors”, describing a model of how polarization rotation in optical channels can effect the error rate in the BB84 quantum key distribution (QKD) protocol.
- ITC CG 4 – Mehmet Alp Ilgaz, a PhD student from the University of Ljubljana (Slovenia)
- ITC CG 2 – Marek Kolenda, a PhD student from Vilnius University (Lithuania)