Jan Bohata, a postdoc researcher from Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of electrical engineering (Czech Republic), made a stay in the Universitat Politècnica de València (Spain), under the supervision of Prof. Beatriz Ortega, aiming to advanced methods in microwave photonics. During his mission, he worked on deployment of a free space optics (FSO) system in a microwave photonic link togehter with implementation of photonic mm-wave generation for frequency bands considered in 5G networks.
- STSM 6 – Maina Moutaly, a PhD student from ESYCOM (Le Cnam, University of Paris-Est, ESIEE-Paris, France)
- STSM 4 – Matthias Steeg, from University of Duisburg-Essen (UDE, Germany) to University of Cyprus (Cyprus).